The woma python is distinguished from other Australian pythons by its narrow head which is barely distinct from the neck. It has small eyes, smooth scales, a broad body and a thin tail. This species is coloured grey, olive, brown or rich red-brown above, with several darker olive, brown to black cross-bands on the body. The sides are paler and the underside is a cream to yellow colour, with pink or brown blotches. The woma python and its relative the black-headed python, do not have heat sensitive pits bordering the mouth like other pythons.
This species is found in the Australian interior, from central Australia into the south-western edge of Queensland, and into northern South Australia.
Status: Classified as Endangered (EN A1c) on the IUCN Red List 2000, and listed on Schedule 4 (Specially Protected Fauna) of the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act. (technorati tags: reptiles, python, wildlife, animals, environment)
Descriptions of endangered animal species that are on the verge of extinction and that you most likely didn't even know existed in the first place. Updated more or less daily.
Very distinctive looking python. By the way I like your blog! Hence it's blogmarked.
Q, at 14:15
Nice to know you appreciate it! :)
Daldianus, at 14:39
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